V-Docs Contracts Process

V-Docs Contracts Process


After cashing and generating a receipt for each phone or sim card from the POS, the v-docs contract will auto-populate. The SP MUST ensure the contract is signed by both parties (SP and customer) and that all supporting documents are attached before submitting the contract.

  • Supporting documents, for example:
  • IDs (Driver’s license, Passport, National ID, Senior Citizen ID, Disability ID) 
  • TRN
  • Proof Of Address
  • Permission letter
  • Porting Form
  • Manual Signed Contract (where applicable)

If the SP is unable to attach the supporting documents at the time of sale, they are able to search for the contract in v-docs and attach at a later time.

  1. Right click on the v-docs icon (located in the system tray to the lower right hand of the desktop).


  1. Select Contract search (a webpage will open showing a list of contracts for the current day’s transactions).

  1. Search for the customer using either the Customer Telephone Number (CTN) or Customer Name and once found select the CTN.

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page loaded and click Attach File.

  1. Select “Choose File”.

  1. Once the file is located, select same and click Open.

  1. Click the drop down menu and select the appropriate Type. 

  1. Select Upload.

If the contract was not signed, the SP can repopulate the contract to be signed.

  1. Right click on the v-docs icon (located in the system tray to the lower right hand of the desktop).

  1. Select Contract search (a webpage will open showing a list of contracts for the current day’s transactions).

  1. Search for the customer and click the customer’s telephone number (CTN).

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page loaded and click “View Agreement”.

  1. Select the download icon to save a copy of the contract in the desktop’s local storage.

  1. Once saved, right click on the v-docs icon and select Sign contract.

  1. Click Browse

  1. Find the file location, select the file and select Open.

  1. Select Upload

  1. Contract will open with message. Select OK and a signature box will populate, move the box the desired signing point and sign.

  1. Select Add New.

  1. Select OK and move the new signature box to the next signing point and sign.

  1. Select OK.

  1. Select Attach.

  1. Select Browse.

  1. Locate the appropriate file and select open.

  1. Select Upload 

  1. Select Submit.

N.B. If necessary, select attach to include additional documents before selecting submit.

Please note: If no contract was generated, go to the system tray and if the v-docs icon is present, right click it and select exit. Restart v-docs by double clicking on the v-docs icon located on your desktop. Where there is no icon present go to the start menu and search for v-docs in the list of Programs and click the icon. Once restarted a small v-docs icon will appear at the lower right hand corner of the taskbar. Have your manager or supervisor void the transaction and redo the transaction. 

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