SmartServe User Guide

SmartServe User Guide


Reasons Smartserve was created:

  • To reduce customers’ queue and transaction times in store.
  • To create opportunities to upsell products and devices
  • To capture customers’ reasons for visiting the retail store in order to enhance internal processes.

Points to Note about using Greet function:

  1. Multiple reasons for visiting can be selected. The number of reasons selected is recorded at bottom right of the page.
  2. If a Quick Queue and Smart Queue query are both selected the option to add the customer will be available.
  3. Greet mode allows for customer look-up
  4. Once in Greet mode when the customer’s reason for visiting is submitted, the screen returns to Greet mode.
  5. Quick queue queries do not add the customer to the virtual queue, it directs the customer to the appropriate line.
  6. Smart Queue transactions add customers to the virtual queue and require the following information to be collected:
  • Is the customer new or existing
  • If new, Full name and contact number
  • Notes that describe the customer so he can be identified by the CSR and be assisted
  1. Tap once to select a reason for visiting, once highlighted tap again to “un-select”.

Points to Note about using Queue function:

  1. Only customers with Smart Queue queries will be added to the virtual queue.
  2. Once in Queue mode, the customer’s query, time in queue and notes will be displayed.
  3. The options to assist or remove a customer are available.
  4. Selecting “remove” will prompt the CSR to fill in one of the following reasons for leaving:
  • Left before being served
  • Customer directed to self-help
  • Customer left after being advised
  • Customer’s issue escalated
  • Customer’s device sent to repairs
  • Customer’s query resolved
  1. Selecting “assist” will display the customer’s details from here the customer’s sale can be built.

How to build a sale for a device 


  1. Click on the Shopping cart icon
  2. Click on “+ New Mobile Order” button
  3. Click “+ Add Device”
  4. Devices will be listed in order of tier – high to low- and based on preference indicated by Local Distribution team
  5. Click on the customer’s selection
  6. Click “Full details” for phone specifications
  7. Select the colour and RAM size the customer requires. PLEASE NOTE particular colours and RAM sizes may be sold out.
  8. Select the term of the contract – 

No Term = Prepaid --- Post-paid terms are listed in months (Min = 12mths)

  1. Select “Add to order”
  2.  If the customer does not require a planclick select. If the customer requires a plan, click “+Add Plan” instead of “Select”       
  3. If accessories are loaded in Smartserve the option to select an accessory will become available
  4. Next is the “Checkout” page that summarizes the customer’s order.
  5. Only *Up Front costs will be displayed, provided handset financing is not offered in your market.
  6. Select “Checkout”, if the customer accepts the quote.
  7. Two options will become available:
  • Email Quote: If the customer is not ready to purchase and requests information sent to his email
  • Send to POS: if the customer is ready to pay for purchase
  1. Once the cart has been successfully sent via email or to the POS, a prompt to either:
  • Continue with customer
  • New customer

…will pop up, select the option relevant to your interaction.

  1. The shopping cart will only clear if one of these two options is selected. 

Selecting the “New Customer” option will return you to the queue.

How to build a sale for a plan:


  1. Click on the Shopping cart icon
  2. Click on “+ New Mobile Order” button
  3. Click “+ Add Plan”
  4. Plans will be listed under general categories based on the customers current account status (Conversion or Upgrade)
  5. Confirm the customer’s budget and requirements
  6. Review the relevant plans with the customer
  7. Select the plan the customer has opted for
  8. Click “Add to Order”.
  9. Advise customer of any handset promotion associated with the plan
  10. If the customer does not require a device, click select. If yes, follow the steps for building a device sale.
  11. Select the appropriate SIM Pack where applicable, for example, if the customer migrated from prepaid or is a new post-paid customer. 
  12. Press Next
  13. Next is the “Checkout” page that summarizes the customer’s order.
  14. Both *Up Front and *Monthly costs will be displayed.
  15. Select “Checkout”, if the customer accepts the quote.
  16. Two options will become available:
  • Email Quote: If the customer is not ready to purchase and requests information sent to his email
  • Send to POS: if the customer is ready to pay for purchase
  1. Once the cart has been successfully sent via email or to the POS, a prompt to either:
  • Continue with customer
  • New customer

…will pop up, select the option relevant to your interaction.

*Upfront costs: One-time costs, in the case of a plan, it refers to the Security Deposit

**Monthly costs: refer to the monthly subscription fee for the plan

Combination presale process (Plan & Device) will follow the steps outlined previously.

How to compare orders

There are two methods of accessing the comparison feature:

Option 1

  1. Select Menu icon then select compare and select “+ New Mobile Order”
  2. Enter one mobile order then select the option to add another, the Compare Orders button will appear at bottom right of the screen (steps below)

Option 2:

1.   Follow the steps to add “Mobile Order 1” for a device or plan 

2.   Click on “+ New Mobile Order” to add “Mobile Order 2”

3.  “+Add Device” or “+ Add Plan” to mobile order 2

  1. The “Compare Orders” button will appear
  2. A comparison screen will appear outlining the details of each order
  3. Press “Select” corresponding with the order the customer would like
  4. Press “Checkout”
  5. Select the option to “Email Quote” or “Send to POS”, as appropriate

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