If a user incorrectly enters their password 5 times while attempting to log in, Aria will disable their account for security reasons.
To re-enable the user’s account and reset their password:
2. The HR Overview screen will open. Locate the applicable clerk, right-click their name and select Edit Clerk Record.
[TIP: Use the search field at the bottom of the screen to help find the user by their Clerk Code, First or Last Name.]
3. The Clerk Detail panel will open. Beneath the Login Information heading, uncheck the Disabled (Login) checkbox.
4. Next, beneath the Password Information heading, enter a new password for the user within the Password Reset field. The password that is entered is classified as a temporary password - the user will be forced to change it upon their next login.
[NOTE: For security reasons, we recommend also checking the Force Password Updating checkbox and setting the number of days the password will expire within the Password Expiry (Days) field. This will force the user to update their password on a regular basis.]
5. Then, click the Save icon to save changes.